Blue biloba

Bluebiloba is a 3 year old University Spin Off and Innovative Startup based in Florence, Italy. the team is made up of researchers and consultants in the forestry sector, remote sensing experts, drone pilots, IT developers and prototypers, corporate lawyers and specialists in the management of circular supply chains.

What do you offer?

Bluebiloba deals with Precision Farming and Forestry, DSS development, IoT and Nature Based solution development, unused small and medium-sized rural areas shared management.

What are you looking for?

We are looking for networking – market opportunities – calls  – local partners for common development activities.


More information :

Type of stakeholder: Start-up

Main area of activity: Consultancy, Downstream/GIS services, Drones, Hardware/Software, Value added services

Application sector: Agriculture, Earth observation, Education & training, Emergency, Environment, Forestry, ICT, Local/Regional planning, Meteo & climate, Smart cities

Target market:Chile

Key Words:Precision Forestry, Precision Farming, Remote Sensing, Nature Based Solutions, IoT